Friday, March 30, 2012


The Raid!!! My oh my four thumbs up for this movie!!!!!!! (yyyy)
So, I watched this movie yesterday with Made and Nisa. Accidentally met Idon, and unfortunately he had the seat next to us, so it's like the four of us watched together, bhahahaha so not important~
There are also the trio Trivelly cheerleaders, Ihsan, Clara, and Eteng watching the same movie.

This is where I seated. A very good enough spot to watch, hahaha.

The movie review:

"The Raid: Redemption" is poised at the midway point between an ultraviolent video game and a neo-classic dance musical. As midnight-movie mash-ups go, it’s pretty amazing. Choreographed with jaw-dropping style by Welsh-born writer-director Gareth Evans, this kinetic Indonesian action orgy proceeds according to a set-up almost mathematical in its exactness. A crime lord named Tama (Ray Sahetapy) sits in his fortress in the penthouse of a monolithic Jakarta apartment building. A van full of cops in full SWAT gear pulls up in front. Between them and him are 15 floors of video surveillance cameras, very angry men with machetes and machine guns, one runty killer named Mad Dog (Yayan Ruhian), and a handful of surprises. That’s it; when the survivors emerge 100 minutes later, the movie’s over.

source: google

Starring the casts of this movie.

Iko Uwais as Rama

My favorite character in this movie! He's handsome, cool, and so skilled with Indonesian kung fu known as silat. 3 words to describe him during the movie would be strong, confident, and skilled.

Joe Taslim as Jaka and Yayan Ruhian as Mad Dog

Jaka here looked like Daniel Mananta while Mad Dog looked like Ki Joko Bodo, LOL!

Ray Sahetapy as Tama and Pierre Gruno as Wahyu

As always, the bad guys are so not good-looking, hahaha

Doni Alamsyah as Andi

I couldn't find Andi here on the scene that look a little better than this hahaha, but this scene is awesome!

These are my favorite scene on the movie:

There are many more but I couldn't find it here. You must watch it to get the better view!
It's an A+ for me! This movie won several awards and hey Indonesian people, we should be proud of it yeah!!! Anyway, I recommended to watch :D

The trailer! You can check it here guys! Happy watching ;)

Sunday, March 25, 2012


“It's strange to be so physically close to someone who's so distant”
-Suzanne Collins, The Hunger Games


Last night, my sister, my father, and I went to XII Botani to watch a movie. We ended up watching this movie, which was I kinda want it badly cause it seems cool.

At some point in the future, the nation known as Panem (presumably previously theU.S.) has a civil war, with twelve districts rebelling against the central government. The central government won and devised a unique system that is allegedly designed to reaffirm and honor the peace treaty. Each year, two “tributes” between the ages of eleven and eighteen, one male and one female, are selected by lottery from each of the twelve districts. These tributes are brought together to participate in the Hunger Games, a grueling physical battle to the literal death, with the lone survivor given fame and riches.

Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence), a sixteen-year-old in the mining community of District Twelve, secretly hunts to supply her mother (Paula Malcomson) and beloved little sister Primrose (Willow Shields) with food. Katniss is sometimes accompanied by her best friend/potential sweetheart Gale Hawthorne (Liam Hemsworth). When the annual “reaping” (tribute selection) comes to District Twelve, Primrose’s name is chosen. To save her sister, Katniss volunteers, which immediately makes her a novelty. Katniss’ male counterpart, Peeta Mellark (Josh Hutcherson), is acquainted with her. Peeta thinks Katniss has a chance of winning; he’s sure he’s doomed. Katniss and Peeta get a small team of handlers, including over-the-top fashionista Effie Trinket (Elizabeth Banks), alcoholic former Games winner Haymitch Abernathy (Woody Harrelson) and kindly personal stylist Cinna (Lenny Kravitz).
source: assignment-movie review

And the adventure begins! About 142 minutes we enjoyed this movie. Here's where I seated.

The casts which I'm going to post is where I like them on a few scenes.

Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss Everdeen

Josh Hutcherson as Peeta Mellark

Liam Hemsworth as Gale Hawthorne

These are just scenes that I like hahaha.

In case you want to check out the trailler, here you go The Hunger Games Trailer

Well, it was awesome! I haven't read the novel though. The movie is a B+ for me. Coming up The Raid, people! Wuhuuuu later ;)


It's funny how you can't really choose where your life takes you, isn't it? Well, it's not really funny. It's tragic.

-Page 222, Divortiare

Saturday, March 24, 2012


I was just thinking to change my bio on twitter when I came out with this word sounds like "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" so I opened up google translate and I accidentally search about the longest words in English. This inadvertence makes me want to post this on my blog, in case I'd like to see it again,LOL.

Methionylthreonylthreonylglutaminylarginyl...isoleucine189,819Chemical name of titin, the largest known proteinTechnical; not in dictionary; disputed whether it is a word
Methionylglutaminylarginyltyrosylglutamyl...serine1,909Longest published word[1]Technical
Lopadotemachoselachogaleokranioleipsano...pterygon183Longest word coined by a major author,[2] the longest word ever to appear in literature.[3]Coined; not in dictionary; Ancient Greek transliteration
Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis45Longest word in a major dictionary[4]Technical; coined to be the longest word
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious34Famous for being created for the Mary Poppins film and musicalCoined
Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism30Longest non-coined word in a major dictionary[5]Technical
Floccinaucinihilipilification29Longest unchallenged nontechnical wordCoined
Antidisestablishmentarianism28Longest non-coined and nontechnical word[citation needed]
Honorificabilitudinitatibus27Longest word in Shakespeare's works; longest word in the English language featuring alternating consonants and vowels.[6]Latin

source: Wikipedia

Tuesday, March 20, 2012



Ya Allah rasanya itu suka deg-degan kalo ngeliat hal-hal berhubungan dengan kuliah. Tulisan PTN yang dipajang di mading sekolah, brosur bimbel yang ada tulisan PTN-PTN favorit, belum lagi kalo lagi ngumpul bareng sama temen-temen, kadang secara gak sengaja atau memang sedang membahas ya pasti tersinggung deh masalah perkuliahan, dimulai dari jurusan, tempat kos, dkk.

Gue suka nyengir kalo ditanya mau lanjut kemana? Mau masuk mana?
Masalahnya, gue masih agak sedikit ragu untuk menentukan pilihan gue sekarang. Ya, karena memang tidak jalur undangan, jadi ya makin lama aja ini galaunya.

Yang udah sempet gue pikirin tuh ya, pertama FK.
Kedokteran. Gue punya cita-cita jadi dokter itu sejak SD. Gatau ini kenapa kepengennya. Apa gara-gara suka nonton iklan ya, apalagi yang iklan bebel*c tuh, yang anak kecil imut namanya Cilla. Tujuan gue yang ini didukung ortu, tapi dari dalam diri guenya yang belum bisa dukung sepenuhnya...
Dokter yang gue kagumi itu Lula Kamal hahaha sama dokter deket rumah gue, baik banget, lho!

Terus mikir Psikologi.
Wah, udah ini langsung yang pertama terlintas di kepala tuh, ya. IPA gue gak kepake lagi... Tapi gue suka yang berhubungan dengan sosial begini, tapi ortu gak terlalu mendukung, karena ya itu ngapain nanti gue belajar IPS lagi... Tapi terakhir sih ya, dibolehin kalo memang minatmu ke situ...
Gue juga suka baca buku-buku yang menjurus bidang ini. Kalo ke Gramed, gue suka nyari rak buku yang kolomnya bertuliskan "Psikologi".

Eh ganti lagi jadi FKG.
Dokter gigi! Seru kan berurusan sama yang putih-putih?! *hiiiy Yakali putih semua, gak juga kok. Ini sempet didukung juga sama ortu, cuma diwanti-wanti kalo dokter gigi itu harus punya modal buat beli alat-alatnya, hohoho. Kenapa gue bisa kepikiran ini? Soalnya dokter gigi gue baik banget sih hahaha *terusganyambung

Nah, yang baru-baru ini sampai sekarang yang gue pikir adalah, FTP.
Teknologi Hasil Pertanian. Orang-orang taunya fakultas ini tuh yang bagus, di IPB. Tapi, gue milihnya di UGM. Ya, karena memang gue pengen UGMnya juga terus fakultasnya juga hahaha impas, kan? Terus gue mikir-mikir lagi yang namanya pangan nih ya, pasti kerja di lab. Jadi, harus berjiwa tenang, tentram, dan gak gegabah. Lah gue hahahaha gabisa diem ini kerja di lab. Praktek biologi, fisika, dan kimia aja gue grogi setengah mati hahaha. Tapi ya, gue suka deg-degan kalo udah liat Reportase Investigasi. Terus ada dosen yang diwawancarai sambil diliatin proses dia ngecek bahan-bahan kimia yang terkandung dalam makanan itu. Keren! Ngeliatnya tuh bikin gue pengen ikutan praktek juga!

Dari keempat itu, gue bimbang lagi sebenernya. Minat gue buat empat jurusan ini sekarang sedang terasa sama. Kenapa ya? Apa ini cuma unsur jenuh doang? Atau rasa kurang PDnya lagi kambuh lagi aja?

Rencana gue adalah memantapkan hati setelah UN aja. Masih ada waktu, kan? Sholat istikharah juga akan gue jalani. Semoga Allah menunjukkan gue pilihan yang tepat. Gue pengen banggain ortu juga. Semoga bisa terwujud sebelum waktunya gue menghadap Yang Maha Kuasa :)

Oke, seperti kata-kata di atas, gue harus punya tujuan. Untuk saat ini, tujuan gue adalah LULUS UN DENGAN NILAI MEMUASKAN. Rencana gue untuk mewujudkannya, serius dengan intensif di sekolah dan di bimbel, terus latihan sendiri juga di rumah, kurangi melakukan hal-hal yang kurang bermanfaat.

Semua ini bukan hanya harapan, melainkan tujuan gue. Oke, semangat!!! \:D/

Sunday, March 18, 2012


Baru lagi aja nih buka blog terus iseng-iseng ngulik temen-temen pada nulis apa. Eh ada nih menarik di blognya Syifa. Dia nulis tentang kalo galau, bingung, ragu milih jurusan apa, dan ini pas banget gitu buat gue, jadi ya dibuka deh linknya. Di sini kalo mau liat. Makasih lo, Syif :D

Oh ya ini hasil gue. Masih meragukan, sih.

Dicoba juga deh siapa tahu membantu hahaha

Saturday, March 10, 2012


At first, I was stressed. In about less than two days, I'll be facing the School Final Examination. Hello, the final! How could time pass so quickly when you're having good time? Especially when you're now happy with the situation of your class consisting of 32 students and considering themselves as a family :)

Anyway, I want to wish us a good luck for the examination. I know I can do this and so does my family and to all the 12th graders in my school, I know you guys can do it too!

May God bless and keep spirit :D

School Final Examination, here we come!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


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