Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Juli sama Agustus ini gue cuma nyempetin diri buat curcol di blog tanggal 1 hahaha. Ga sengaja kok ini mah, tapi sekarang sudah menjelang akhir bulan Agustus. So much to tell~~~

First, HAPPY IED MUBARAK 1434H. Minal aidzin wal faidzin. Mohon maaf lahir dan batin. To all my family, friends, relatives, neighbors, teachers, lectures, and all :)

Second, HAPPY 68th INDEPENDENCE DAY INDONESIA! MERDEKA!!! Alhamdulillah, tahun ini bisa melaksanakan lomba 17 Agustusan. Baru tahun ini lagi pas Agustusan, lagi gak puasa hehe. Kangen ya sama lomba tujuh belasan, so gue, adek gue, dan beberapa tetangga gue yang seumuran, sepakat jadi panitia lomba tujuh belasan ini. Everything went well and everybody were happy :D

Third, HAPPY KRS!!! Hahahaha unbelievable banget semester 3 ini pertama kalinya gue krs-an. Norak ya? Univ lain asaan mah udah lewat, tapi gue baru sampe nyobain ke tahap ini. Dahsyat men! Kerasa banget kalo kita mau belajar aja saking terorganisirnya itu jadwal, well malah sampe overload, jadi berebutan gitu. Sensainya jadi mahasiswa nih, baru gue dapetin hahaha. Sorry, norak, but it's worth it~

Fourth, MPD dan MPF!!! Duileeeeh 4 hari berutut ututt bro. Gue kali pertama nginep di kostan hahaha. Almet, rok item sama training gue pake 3 hari berututtt ututtt, tapi masih seger kok hahaha. Terus besoknya masih ada outbound. Untung masih ada training lainnya :" Rasanya bersyukur banget jadi mahasiswi FEMA IPB, khususnya KPM O:) hidup pak Dekan!!! hidup mahasiswa!!!

Fifth! The last but not least, job AGS MPKMB ihihi. Kali pertama juga nih ngikut job macam ini. Alhamdulillah, pengalaman nambah ya. Lagu jadi bervariasi dan jadi tahu lagu daerah hehehe. Semoga nanti pas OR banyak TPB yang mau ikutan :)) Aku jadi kakak loh, hahaha *abaikan

Inilah cerita gue di bulan Agustus, mana ceritamuuu?!

Thursday, August 1, 2013


                                                          "Heartbreak Girl"

You call me up,
It's like a broken record
Saying that your heart hurts
That you never get over him getting over you,
And you end up crying
And I end up lying,
'Cause I'm just a sucker for anything that you do,

And when the phone call finally ends,
You say, "Thanks for being a friend,"
And we're going in circles again and again

I dedicate this song to you,
The one who never sees the truth,
That I can take away your hurt
, heartbreak girl.
Hold you tight straight through the day light,
I'm right here. When you gonna realise
That I'm your cure
, heartbreak girl?

I bite my tongue but I wanna scream out
You could be with me now
But I end up telling you what you wanna hear,
But you're not ready and it's so frustrating
He treats you so bad and I'm so good to you it's not fair.

And when the phone call finally ends
You say, "I'll call you tomorrow at 10,"
And I'm stuck in the friend zone again and again,

I know someday it's gonna happen
And you'll finally forget the day you met him
Sometimes I'm so close to confession,
I gotta get it through your head that you belong with me instead,


Ini lagu cakep bangetlah buat ngegambarin hal yang sedang terjadi di kalangan masa remaja hahaha. Tapi ini lebih ke versi si cowok. Sayang banget ya, kalo ada versi cewek, mungkin jadinya ini lagu pop-mellow ga pop-rock kayak gini hahaha :"

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