Pertama kali gue tes itu di tahun 2017. Hasilnya berbeda-beda, tetapi tidak terlalu signifikan. Nah, kenapa bisa ingat? Oh, tentu saja karena gue simpan semua hasilnya hahaha. It's like my habits, I love to archive anything! Nih, tak share hasilnya di mari~
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Situsnya bisa dilihat di sini |
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Situsnya bisa dilihat di sini |
Dari ketiga gambar sudah saklek ya kalo gue itu pasti E dan F alias Extrovert dan Feeling banget anaknya hahaha. Nah, di unsur yang lainnya gue kadang Sensing kadang Intitution atau kadang Judging dan kadang Perceiving dah tuh.
Selang beberapa tahun kemudian, tahun 2019 sih, gue nyoba lagi kan tesnya dan kali ini gue share juga ke temen dekat gue. Gue coba tesnya pakai yang di situs gambar tiga itu. Hasilnya? Berbeda lagi hahahaha. Kali itu gue dapat ENFP-T, The Campaigner. Ini nyobain tes-nya di hp, jadi tampilannya kecil begini hahaha. Terus kayanya nemu apa dikasih ya, link yang Bahasa Indonesia. Ya, memang di situsnya mereka menyediakan berbagai bahasa juga kok.
Oh, ya jadi ada yang jenis A dan T. Kapan hari nemu di Instastory orang gitu. Kayanya dia cukup terkenal juga deh. Entah apa doi influencer ya atau orang baik aja yang ingin berbagi. Anyway, bedanya A dan T ada di gambar berikut ini:
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Sumber asli di sini |
Berhubung banyak banget tulisan di sana terkait ini, gue mau ambil beberapa yang unik buat dirangkum di sini deh, hahaha.
What are the best gifts for each MBTI type? Link asli
di sini
ENFJ - A large marketing exposure for their business.
ESFJ - Their favorite dish done to perfection.
ESFP - A party filled with people who adore them.
ENFP - A day in bed at a beach side vacation home with
the love of their life (at that point in time)
How could each MBTI type be summarized in one sentence? Link
asli di sini
ENFJ: care taking, insightful, gym-junkies, analytical,
worries about their own morality, critical of too many possibilities, their
long term memory is kaput, can be cruel when angry
ESFJ: super-friendly, duty minded, thinks of new
possibilities always, not the most logical, worries about being authentic,
critical of the appearance of others even if they don’t say it, blind to most
probable outcomes of their actions, not the greatest at solving problems.
ESFP: sensory focused, authentic, fixer, lacking long
term planning though they can improve, worries about duty and routines,
critical of bandwagons, blind to logic mostly, bad at brainstorming.
ENFP: creative, authentic, intelligent, nerdy, worries
about being limited to one possible future, critical of group think,
blind spot is overdeveloped logical systems which are boring, can become
a comfort eater under extreme stress or overexercise.
Ini, sejujurnya, merasa gue ada semua di masing-masing itu,
hahaha. Jadi, kayanya kalau ini mending gue urutin aja ya. Sepertinya, begini:
ENFP-ESFJ-ESFP-ENFJ Lah, tetep ya gue lebih ke ENFP dah ini, hahaha gimana sih?
What kind of criminal would each MBTI type be? Link
asli di sini
ENFJ: Honey-trapping high profile figures for money or
ESFJ: Leader of a human trafficking nexus.
ESFP: The charming salesman that sells defective goods.
ENFP: Sells drugs masked as ice cream. Coco flavored
ice cream isn't actually coconut flavored, but cocaine flavored. Coconut
shavings are added to throw off the police.
No comment, hahahahahahaha. Polos banget tanpa dosa
deh yang ENFP itu. Dikira jual es krim, taunya diselipin drugs ya
ampun dah, tapi cerdas juga, lol.
Which MBTI types are most likely to get which mental
disorders? Link asli di sini
ENFJ: Bipolar Disorder
ESFJ: Binge Eating Disorder
ESFP: Alcohol/Substance Abuse
ENFP: Dependent Personality Disorder
Well, ENFP terlihat harmful tapi paling ngeselin ye. Tenang kok, gue cukup mandiri, hahaha.
If every MBTI type was a song, which would they be? Link
asli di sini
ENFJ (Protagonists) - “Those Who Fight” (FFII Remake)
by Nobuo Uematsu
ESFJ (Consuls) - “Heathens” by Twenty One Pilot
ESFP (Entertainers) - “Don't Stop Me Now” By Queen
ENFP (Campaigners) - [1] “Shut Up and Dance” by WALK
THE MOON, [2] “Never Never Gonna Give You Up” by Barry White
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Tertanda, tes 30 April 2020 |