Thursday, December 29, 2011


Yes, in no less than 3 days, January 1st is coming ahead. I’m hoping much for a better next year. Not knowing how selfish and rebel  I was this year, I’d like to change myself. I wanted to be a better me. That was an extremely hard resolution I had on 2011. Could I make it next year?

I started to post stories and others on January 2011. I’d like to evaluate the 2011 back-to-back posts.

It was during a two-week-school-holiday. As usual, I spent most of the time at home. Watching television and DVDs, online, doing something unimportant just to make me feel more comfortable when I know I’m bored. Not so long after the holiday, I was excited to greet the school field-trip. It was a three-day-trip to Jogja and Semarang. Since we knew there might be a few of us that troubled with finance, we did Garage Sale at Sempur.After that, my family and I attended the family gathering at Museum Joang 45 in Jakarta.
The end of JANUARY was great!

Finally, our school field-trip on February 6-9th came at last. I was on Bus 4 with my class. Too bad I didn't have a lot of time to post this story in my way, so I got this story all from my friend's. Study Tour 2011
Instead I wrote a little note to describe about this memorable month knowing that this was our last field-trip :( Memorable February 
FEBRUARY will always be memorable!

Not much I can tell in March. It was just an ordinary month I guess. There were just doing school activities and I felt so dumb. I didn't post any story to remind me of this month. I posted more like quotes and poetry. March's Archive
Nothing amazing on MARCH!

It was Mid-Test for a week. How upset I was getting awful scores, especially at the sciences.Looking to a schedule like this? Schedule Oh super... Then, my class got a chance to perform in the 12th grade farewell party. We sang I Believe in You and Choral Des Adieux.
APRIL turned out to be a terrific month I guess!

Okay, this month was just fine. I couldn't remembered the detail. Since my friend's post were nothing to do with me. Maybe I was busy doing school activities (again). I guess I'm just gonna skip this month,lol.
An ordinary MAY!

A month full of craziness! Why not? It was the final exam month. The result was not-so-great but at least I can make it through the 12th grade and passed the 11th grade. Oh how I missed being an eleventh grader! To reply to all the hard work, my class spent our holiday to Puncak and stayed at Villa JJ. The next day, a few of us went to Curug Cilember. It was my first time going to curug and I didn't have to tell my parents,lol.
What a crazy JUNE!

First day of school, don't forget your books, don't forget your umbrella, blablabla. July is always a month addicted to school. Yeah, Indonesia started a new curriculum and school day on July. I still didn't get the point of starting first day of school on July, why can't it be January when it gotten to the end of the last year and a good first step to next year! Anyway, I spent a great time on this holiday. My family and I went to Jogja and Solo. Too bad I didn't upload any pictures and stories to tell about. But I got a story about another family gathering yet holiday together at Solo. Have I mentioned how big my family are? I mean not big as  "BIG" but big here is a great family tree. The 3rd Sastrosoediran's
JULY was thrilling!

Sahur, puasa, buka---those three words looked familiar, yes? Yep, August is fasting month! Every Moslem in the world were excited and grateful for this coming month of course, Ramadhan, as we Moslems knew. Ah, how I loved getting home from school earlier and going to the mosque for taraweh! Oh how I love Ramadhan!
Grateful on AUGUST!

Eid Fitri(Lebaran) at Jakarta as usual. I got fatter I guess. Visiting the relatives around Jakarta and eating my favs; "ketupat sayur dan rendang"---my grandma's expert recipe, yummy! And when school started, it all went back to normal.
A blessed SEPTEMBER! 

Another busy month yet wonderful! There it was another mid-term test, but there was Student Creativity Week! This October! My class made 4 competition;traditional dance, boy dance, poetry musical and solo vocal to final! The result was poetry musical got the 3rd place, traditional and boy dance got the champion of hope two place. By the way, my school held a Friday Cleaning Activity for the first time. It turned out to be a great because after that, we went to Mrs. Umi's house for a Guava Party! It was a Great Day!
What a wonderful OCTOBER!

Been busy at school again. Next month, we were going to face the final exam of the first semester! On the 26-28th, my family and I went to Surabaya. We went there by plane. I really enjoyed it even though it only took about an hour. We attended my cousin's wedding party. It was sweet! My cousin in law was pretty and my cousin was charming. They made a perfect spouse and I wish them nothing but the best! Bad news was, I had a biology test on the following day.
Fantastic NOVEMBER, yes!

Finally! December, my favorite month! The closing of all months here and almost at the end of the year. My stories there were just a few. Still there were unwritten and forgotten stories,lol. Turned 17, watched super movies, received my school report, holiday, visiting Mr. Dedi's house with beloved AcousticIPA3 and EXOTIC celebrated his birthday and the next 3 days, who knows?
A fantastic and magnificent month for this year, oh yes DECEMBER!

Maybe I somehow been exaggerating on this stories. I wrote this because I was inspired by my best, PP's newest post about the end of the year. Some of this posts aren't mine, it was my other best ones like Merina Annisha and this one my gossip friend Sheila. I know I can't write better and this is how it looks like. Have a great reading :D 

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